A mile is a long way
When you’re hiking the AT in PA
When the bees are buzzing near your face
And you can’t keep up with your friends’ pace
When sweat is dripping into your eyes
And you have to walk faster or swat away flies
But the rocks, my God, they are everywhere
Watch where you step and beware

And it seems like you are always going uphill
And you didn’t consider just how that would make a flatlander feel
Now your clothes are wet and you might smell a bit ripe
And you are wondering if this trail is really worth the hype
You see all these lithe young backpackers go by
And you realize your youth is gone and you just might die
On this hill, but come on, you can do it
Just put one foot in front of the other
The only way out is through it
Finally, the hike is done and good, it’s time to eat
Get back to the cabin and rest your sore feet
And even though your body will be sore
And you aren’t really sure what you came here for
You’ll look back and remember this as a good time
Eight miles was a long way, with this out of shape body of mine

May 20 2023